From Human Resources to Project Management: What were my reasons for making a career change in my thirties?

Melis Bilgin
3 min readApr 8, 2022

I don’t know about you, but I met Human Resources when I was in my second year of university. I aimed to have an idea about this department and indirectly all departments of a company. However, as an Industrial Engineering student, this goal was not taken seriously by my professors at first. Besides, my internships gave me to experience while also making money, which I needed the most. Most importantly, after my college graduation, I could choose any other career path I wanted; no one was keeping me.

Then the story went a little different. Contrary to what people (and even myself) expected, I never strayed from this path. I defined Human Resources as “the kitchen of a company” in all job interviews because I always felt that way: It has become my professional concern to think about how I can support each individual in the company to be successful and happy in their job. I don’t know if it is because I am not very keen on specializing in a single field, my indecision or my hunger to see the broader picture, but I have always aimed to become a “Human Resources Generalist”.

When I look at it ten years later, I guess I managed to be a little bit of it.

During this time, I always carried my analytical skills and planning, which I brought from engineering, wherever I went. However, while I was looking at all my planning and production lessons as “they won’t work for me” during my university years, I realized how much I learned from them. These stones in my pocket were so precious that I could not stand them from time to time; I took them and made them my job.

This is how my Human Resources Project Management story started.

In this process, which was a little pre-cognition at first, I started to apply what I saw from my colleagues working in the project management area for a long time. I researched a lot; I asked a lot. Even though there were many areas where I felt lacking, I did not give up. I shaped my path by listening to my “customers” with whom I worked on projects. The time has come, an opportunity has come before me to advance in this field (and I can do this in Germany), and that’s how I attempted this ‘little’ change in my career with a thousand and one fears inside me.

So why am I telling you this story?

Because in Turkey, for people who have continued their life with the decisions they made at the age of 17–18, it is difficult, even impossible, to think about a career change at the age of 30. Essenced teachings haunt you; it is always a priority for companies to evaluate young minds. Even if you are willing to start a different path and reduce your salary, your way is now drawn, and let’s be clear, it is challenging to take risks in an environment where you can’t see your future. At least that’s how it was for me.

Sometimes, it scares me to learn a whole new field and go back to being a rookie in a country whose dynamics and language I don’t know. But moreover, I learned everything in project management on my way, and the book o this area is just there. I know that this situation takes a lot of time and effort; however, I want that for myself because I have tried to make just that possible for others for ten years at Human Resources. Moreover, I am still in the Human Resources team and manage the Human Resources projects, so this time, I have the past ten years in my pocket, which gives me strength.

If my story encourages you by any chance, I will be glad. But, if luck knocks on your door with the changes you want to make, don’t just say no, okay?

Also, wish me good luck :)




Melis Bilgin

Full-time project manager, part-time real-life rookie📝 Also, new in Germany!